Top 5 Best Waterproof Emergency Blankets for Survival

In terms of survival gear, a waterproof emergency blanket is an indispensable item that can save lives in dire circumstances. These blankets are designed to provide insulation, protect against the elements, and retain body heat, making them invaluable for outdoor adventures, natural disasters, or unexpected emergencies. This post will examine the top 5 waterproof emergency blankets, review their salient characteristics, and offer advice on which one is ideal for you.

Understanding the Importance of Waterproof Emergency Blankets

Waterproofing in emergency blankets is crucial because it prevents moisture from seeping through, keeping you dry and warm in wet conditions. Hypothermia, when the body loses heat more fast than it can produce it, can be fatal. It can be brought on by rain, snow, or even moist ground exposure. A waterproof blanket protects against these elements, ensuring your body retains heat.

Key Features to Look For

When selecting a waterproof emergency blanket, several key features can enhance its effectiveness:

  • Durability: Seek for fabrics that can handle harsh treatment and not tear easily.
  • Size and Weight: A lightweight, compact blanket is perfect for emergency kits and backpacks because it is easier to carry and store.
  • Reflective Surface: This feature helps retain body heat by reflecting it towards you, increasing the blanket’s insulation properties.
  • Windproof and Waterproof: Ensures protection against wind and water, providing a comprehensive shield against harsh weather conditions.
  • Ease of Use: Simple design that allows quick emergency deployment.

How Waterproof Blankets Can Save Lives

Maintaining your body temperature is critical in survival situations. Waterproof emergency blankets can protect against rain, snow, and wind, providing a barrier that helps to preserve your body’s core temperature and prevent hypothermia. They are also useful in various scenarios, from getting stranded in your car during a snowstorm to unexpected weather changes during a hike.

Key Takeaway: 

Waterproof emergency blankets are essential for survival kits. They provide critical protection against the elements and help prevent hypothermia in emergencies. Investing in a high-quality waterproof blanket can be life-saving, ensuring you stay dry and warm when it matters most.

Top 5 Waterproof Emergency Blankets: In-Depth Reviews

Selecting the right waterproof emergency blanket can be daunting, with many options available. To assist you in making an informed choice, we look at the top five options below, along with their features, benefits, and drawbacks.

  1. Adventure Medical Kits SOL Emergency Blanket
  • Features: This blanket is made from metalized polyethylene, making it waterproof and windproof. Its reflective surface helps retain up to 90% of body heat.
  • Pros: It is small and lightweight, so it fits easily in any emergency kit. The material is also tear-resistant, enhancing its durability.
  • Cons: The size is relatively small, which might not provide full coverage for taller individuals or when additional warmth is needed.
  • Ideal For Hikers, campers, and those who prioritize lightweight gear.
  1. Swiss Safe Emergency Mylar Thermal Blankets
  • Features: These dual-sided blankets are coated with mylar, making them water—and windproof. They come in a pack of four, each individually packaged.
  • Pros: They are affordable and versatile and can be used in various emergencies. Thanks to their small packing, they are convenient to keep and travel.
  • Cons: The material can be noisy when unfolded, which might be bothersome in certain situations.
  • Ideal For Budget-conscious individuals and those who want multiple blankets for family or group use.
  1. Arcturus Heavy Duty Survival Blanket
  • Features: This blanket combines a mylar reflective side with a durable polyethylene tarp side. It includes grommets for easy setup as a shelter.
  • Pros: It is multi-purpose and extremely durable. It can be used as a ground cover, shelter, or blanket, and the grommets provide versatility for different uses.
  • The cons: It is heavier and bulkier than typical Mylar blankets, which may be better for ultralight backpacking.
  • Ideal For Those looking for a multi-functional survival tool and don’t mind the extra weight.
  1. Oceas Outdoor Mylar Emergency Blanket
  • Features: This larger-than-standard emergency blanket is made from tear-resistant polyethylene. It is made to survive challenging circumstances and is waterproof.
  • Pros: The larger size provides better coverage, and the strong material ensures it can handle rough use. It is also reusable if handled carefully.
  • Cons: It is bulkier to pack, which might be a downside for those with limited space.
  • Ideal For Outdoor enthusiasts who need extra coverage and durability.
  1. Titan Two-Sided Emergency Mylar Survival Blankets
  • Features: These blankets feature a reflective mylar coating on both sides, providing excellent heat retention. They are compact and come with an emergency whistle.
  • Pros: It is highly effective in heat retention and compact for easy storage. The inclusion of an emergency whistle adds an extra layer of safety.
  • Cons: It is designed for single use, which might be a limitation for those looking for a reusable option.
  • Ideal For Emergency preparedness kits and those who value additional safety features.

Key Takeaway: 

Choosing the right waterproof emergency blanket depends on your specific needs, whether lightweight portability, durability, or extra features like grommets for versatile use. Each of these top five options offers unique benefits to suit different scenarios, ensuring you stay warm and dry in an emergency. Investing in a high-quality blanket from this list will enhance your preparedness for any unexpected situation.

Comparing Materials: What Makes a Waterproof Blanket Effective?

Understanding the materials used to construct a waterproof emergency blanket is crucial when selecting one. Diverse materials provide differing levels of resilience, thermal regulation, and weatherproofing. Below, we compare common materials used in waterproof emergency blankets, highlighting their benefits and drawbacks to help you choose the best option.

Common Materials Used

Emergency blankets are typically made from mylar, polyethylene, or both materials. Each material has unique properties that affect the blanket’s performance.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Each Material

Material Benefits Drawbacks
  • Lightweight and compact
  • Highly reflective for heat retention
  • Affordable
  • Can tear easily
  • Noisy when unfolded
  • Durable and tear-resistant
  • Waterproof and windproof
  • Provides additional insulation
  • Heavier and bulkier
  • Less reflective than mylar
  • Balances durability and heat retention
  • Offers waterproofing and windproofing
  • Can be more expensive
  • Heavier than mylar alone

Which Material is Best for Your Needs?

Choosing the right material depends on the specific conditions you anticipate and how you plan to use the blanket. Here’s a detailed look at each option:

  • Mylar:
    • Ideal For Backpackers, hikers, and those who need lightweight, compact gear.
    • Use Cases: Mylar blankets are perfect for emergency kits where space and weight are premium. They are excellent for retaining body heat quickly and can be a lifesaver in unexpected cold conditions.
  • Polyethylene:
    • Ideal For Car emergency kits, home preparedness, and situations where durability is paramount.
    • Use Cases: Polyethylene blankets are better suited for rough conditions where the blanket might be subject to wear and tear. Their durability makes them reliable in long-term or repetitive use scenarios.
  • Combination:
    • Ideal For: Versatile use, including camping, hiking, and survival.
    • Use Cases: Combination blankets offer the best of both worlds, providing durability and efficient heat retention. They suit those who want a reliable, multi-use blanket to handle various emergencies.

Key Takeaway: 

Understanding the materials used in waterproof emergency blankets helps you choose the best option. Mylar offers excellent heat retention and portability; polyethylene provides superior durability, and combination materials balance both strengths. Selecting the right material ensures your blanket will protect you in any emergency.

How to Properly Use and Maintain Your Waterproof Emergency Blanket

Proper use and maintenance of your waterproof emergency blanket are essential to ensure its effectiveness and longevity. Here are some guidelines to help you get the most out of your blanket in emergencies and keep it in good condition for future use.

Best Practices for Use

  1. Wrap Yourself Correctly:
    • When using the blanket, wrap it around your body with the reflective side facing inward. This helps retain body heat by reflecting it towards you.
    • Ensure the blanket covers as much of your body as possible, including your head, to minimize heat loss.
  2. Create a Shelter:
    • In an outdoor emergency, use the blanket to create a makeshift shelter. Drape it over a rope between two trees or use available structures for support.
    • Secure the edges with rocks, branches, or other heavy objects to keep them in place and protect against wind and rain.
  3. Layering for Additional Warmth:
    • Use multiple blankets or layer the emergency blanket over other clothing or sleeping gear for extra insulation.
    • Combining the blanket with other materials, like a sleeping bag or another layer of clothing, can significantly enhance heat retention.
  4. Signal for Help:
    • The blanket’s reflective surface can also be used to signal for help. Wave the blanket to catch the attention of rescuers or place it in a visible area to reflect sunlight.
  5. Avoid Direct Contact with Fire:
    • < UNK> Emergency blankets are designed to withstand various conditions but are not fireproof. Keep the blanket away from open flames and high-heat sources to prevent damage.

Storage Tips to Ensure Longevity

  1. Keep It Dry:
    • After using the blanket, ensure it is completely dry before storing it. Wetness can cause mildew and mold, which weaken the material.
  2. Store in Original Packaging:
    • Keep the blanket in its original packing or a waterproof bag to keep it safe from moisture, dust, and filth. This helps maintain its integrity and readiness for the next use.
  3. Avoid Sharp Objects:
    • Store the blanket away from sharp objects that could puncture or tear the material. A damaged blanket may not provide adequate protection in an emergency.
  4. Regular Inspections:
    • Periodically inspect your blanket for any signs of wear and tear. Replace it if you notice any damage to ensure reliable protection when needed.

Cleaning and Maintenance Guidelines

  1. Gentle Cleaning:
    • If the blanket becomes dirty, clean it with a damp cloth. Avoid harsh or abrasive chemicals, as they may damage the reflecting surface and waterproofing.
  2. Air Drying:
    • Before storing the blanket, let it air dry entirely. Prolonged exposure to sunshine or the use of heat sources like hair dryers can weaken the material.
  3. Fold Carefully:
    • Fold the blanket carefully along its original creases to minimize wear and maintain its compact size. This helps ensure it fits back into its packaging and is easily transported.
  4. Avoid Prolonged UV Exposure:
    • Prolonged exposure to UV light can weaken the material. Store the blanket in a shaded area to preserve its durability and effectiveness.

Key Takeaway: 

Properly using and maintaining your waterproof emergency blanket ensures it remains effective and ready for use when needed. By following these best practices and maintenance advice, you can extend the life and functionality of your blanket and ensure that it offers vital emergency protection.

Real-Life Survival Stories: Waterproof Blankets in Action

Waterproof emergency blankets have proven valuable in countless real-life scenarios, providing critical protection and warmth when needed. Here are three compelling stories that highlight how these blankets have saved lives and enhanced survival situations.

Case Study 1: Outdoor Adventure

Situation: A group of hikers set out on a multi-day trek in the remote mountains. Despite checking the weather forecast, an unexpected snowstorm caught them off-guard. With temperatures plummeting and visibility dropping, they quickly realized they were unprepared for such severe conditions.

How the Blanket Helped:

  • The hikers used their waterproof emergency blankets to create a temporary shelter. They tied the blankets between trees to form a windbreak and ground cover, providing a dry and insulated space.
  • Wrapping themselves in the blankets, the reflective surfaces helped retain their body heat, preventing hypothermia as they waited for rescue.
  • The bright, reflective material also served as a signaling device, catching the attention of a search helicopter dispatched to find them.

Outcome: The hikers were found and rescued within hours. The rescuers credited the hikers using the emergency blankets as a key factor in their survival, keeping them warm and dry in otherwise difficult conditions.

Case Study 2: Natural Disaster

Situation: During a hurricane, a family was forced to evacuate and seek shelter in a public emergency center. The center quickly became overcrowded, and resources were limited. The family had brought along an emergency kit, which included waterproof blankets.

How the Blanket Helped:

  • The waterproof blankets provided immediate relief by keeping the family warm and dry in the shelter’s wet, drafty conditions.
  • They used the blankets to create a private space within the crowded shelter, offering some comfort and security.
  • The blankets also served as a barrier against the cold, hard floor, making their temporary stay more bearable.

Outcome: The family stayed safe and relatively comfortable throughout the storm. The waterproof blankets protected them from the elements and provided psychological comfort in stressful situations, demonstrating their value in disaster preparedness.

Case Study 3: Urban Survival Situation

Situation: A solo urban explorer found himself locked out of his accommodation late at night in a city undergoing a sudden cold snap. With no immediate access to shelter and temperatures dropping rapidly, he needed to find a way to stay warm until morning.

How the Blanket Helped:

  • The explorer always carried a compact emergency kit, which included a waterproof mylar blanket. He wrapped himself in the blanket to preserve body heat while seeking a more sheltered location.
  • The blanket’s waterproof nature protected him from damp, cold ground and precipitation, maintaining his core temperature throughout the night.
  • The blanket’s reflective properties allowed him to stay visible, making it easier for a friend to locate him in the early morning.

Outcome: The explorer managed to stay warm and avoid hypothermia through the night. The waterproof emergency blanket proved essential to his urban exploration gear, highlighting its utility even in city environments.

Key Takeaway: 

These real-life stories illustrate waterproof emergency blankets’ crucial role in survival situations. Whether caught in a sudden storm, facing a natural disaster, or dealing with unexpected urban emergencies, these blankets provide essential warmth, protection, and peace of mind. Your survival kit’s waterproof emergency blanket may mean the difference between comfort and disaster, and occasionally even life and death.


Waterproof emergency blankets are a crucial component of any survival kit, providing essential protection against the elements and helping to preserve body heat. By being aware of the features and advantages of the best items available, you can make an informed choice and be sure you’re ready for anything. Whether you’re an avid adventurer or want to be prepared for emergencies, investing in a high-quality waterproof emergency blanket is a smart and potentially life-saving choice.


How do waterproof emergency blankets work?

Waterproof emergency blankets are typically made from reflective materials like mylar, which helps to retain body heat by reflecting it towards the user. The waterproof layer prevents moisture from penetrating, keeping you dry and warm.

Can I reuse a waterproof emergency blanket?

Many waterproof emergency blankets are designed for single use due to their lightweight and delicate materials. However, some higher-quality options are reusable if handled carefully and stored properly.

How do I clean a waterproof emergency blanket?

Gently wipe the blanket with a damp cloth to remove dirt. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials. Make sure the blanket is totally dry before storing it to avoid mold and mildew.

Are waterproof emergency blankets suitable for all weather conditions?

Waterproof emergency blankets are versatile and can be used in various weather conditions, including rain, snow, and wind. They provide insulation and protection against moisture, making them useful in cold and wet environments.

What size of waterproof emergency blanket should I choose?

The size of the blanket depends on your specific needs. A standard-size blanket is usually sufficient for individual use. However, consider a larger or multi-purpose blanket if you need to cover a larger area or multiple people.

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